HR Coordinator
Grace Cisternino has over 20 years experience across various areas of law. Starting her career as a legal assistant in a fast paced criminal law firm and a 2 year stint in an Adelaide insurance firm, Grace went on to further her experience at a large plaintiff law firm.
It was here Grace spent almost 15 years as the Support Team Leader for their Commercial and Class Action Departments. During this role Grace became a mentor to lawyers, assistants and paralegals guiding their performance and workload.
Grace has a natural ability of engaging with people from all walks of life and is passionate about ensuring everyone is enjoying their role within the business. Grace brings these strengths to Phi Finney McDonald as our HR Coordinator assisting in recruitment, employee relations, training and inductions.
Outside of the office Grace is the mother of 2 children and is passionate about achieving work life balance for herself as well as her co-workers.